lunedì 21 aprile 2008

Xchange 6th week

Another exchange, another topic to develop with my dear American peer and another more Italian girl, who is going to work with Artem, Sara and I in the final project. Last Wednesdays in group, we decided the topic of our project, and after a little debate we all agreed to deal with death penalty. I was the first in the group who proposed that topic; I perfectly know that it's a very sad topic to talk about but, on the other hand, I think that it's interesting and unusual, too. Research materials about it will be helpfull to understand differences between American and Italian Laws on death penality, different opinions about its validity and if death penality is still usefull to prevent or punish crimes. As far as Italy, death penalty was substituted long ago with the “ergastolo”, that is life imprisonment, but the nowadays situation is getting worse after the last law of the government called "indulto"; it's the opportunity that normally the Italian president gives to those inmates of prison after a determinate periopd of time. After this government decision the number of murders and crime is increasing and the sense of fear is being rampant across Italian society. So, at that point of view it will be interesting to analyse which is the best solution to solve that situation, according to people opinions and ideas. We will see...

In the second part of the conversation we started talk about immigration, which was the week topic we were supposed to develop togethet in the lab.

In this case Arty was an important source of information for us: he comes from Ukraine, so he could descibe us the American situation and behaviour towards immigrant and immigration in general. He explained to us that he doesn’t consider himself an immigrant because he’ll be staying in the USA just for four years to complete his studies and then he’ll come back home; What is more in his personal opinion American has a open- minded on this topic, thanks to the important role that American universityie play inside the society, too, They are sort of “melting pots”, taking in people from all over the world so the help them to integrate themselves in American ordinary life, without making anykind of discrinmination. However, despite this positive situation he added also that the American society tends to treat immigrants in different ways according to their nationality and – above all – to their financial conditions. He said that there are deep differences between people that come from the South of American and those who come from the North,or even people coming from Europe are usually far better accepted than immigrants from Latin America and other poor countries. Artem reminded us that there is a great number of Italian immigrants in the USA and they are treated in a better way than American poor people which are terated are immigrant as well.

Then we tried to explain him our Italian Situation but he was already well- informed about that becouse he studied it during his scholar years.

The discussion was very interesting and useful for me to understand a different point of view, but, during this exchange experience with American people, I notice that there are not so much differnces in the way of think or behave, between America guys and we, as Italin students that live in the North of Italy. I think that this could be a good starting point for our next covesation with Arty.

see you...

lunedì 14 aprile 2008

Xchange, 5th week

Hi friends....

Today is Monday again, another week is starting and I'm already tires -sigh-. Sorry for the late of this post, but during last week end I didn't feel very well; on Friday I did a little surgery to my teeth and I was litteraly obbliged by my doctor to stay at home. But I'm used not to follow good instructions, Friday evening I went out with my friends and consequently, on Saturday morning I woke up with temperature. Todai is getting better and also my teeth are getting better too, but now I bitterly in late with all my works.

Anyway, last Wednesday during our Skype exchange, we were in 4: Artem, Sarah, me and a new Italian peer: Alice Violato who joined our chat. After a little presentation between Arty and Alice we went on speaking about elections and differences between Italian and American election system. Honestly we were a little bit boring to talk about that topic; first of all because we don't like that topic very much, and secondly because, in these days, we are "bombed" by media about politics and political elections. So we decided to change the topic and we spoke about immigration and after that Arty was curious to know why in Italy there is the distintion between "terroni e polentoni". After that crucial question the discussion changed its direction and we started analyse a little differences between Northen and Southen people.
There was a little confusion in our conversation, but It's was all the same interesting and nice...
See you soon...

domenica 6 aprile 2008

Xchange, 4th week

Hi guys, how are you??

What about me I must confess that the previous week was very difficult and heavy … Maybe because there was the time changing and I’m still trying to conform myself with this new time, but I feel very tired and sleepy; as an Italian saying goes “Aprile dolce dormire”, it seems to be perfect to describe my physical an psychological state…
What is more the amount of homework that we have to do at university seem to become more and more heavy, exams and final projects are pressing on us and I become more and more nervous too.
Anyway, now it’s time to sum up my last Skype conversation. My fourth discussion with Artem and Sara was really interesting and intense too. We immediately started talking about what is happening in America and Italy during there political elections. First of all Sarah and I asked Artem how exactly America political system works and he explained us in details the differences between American and Italian political system. Then the discussion moved to our nowadays Italian situation and, inevitably we started speaking about propaganda and the 2 Italian videos that Sarah published in the blog. He admitted that he had had a very strange reaction when he watched them in YouTube, but he stayed completely astonished and shocked when we explained him Berlusconi’s video. He didn’t recognise that at the end of it, there are a group of young people that have as a background a terrifying building: the palazzo Della Civiltà Del Lavoro. It’s placed in Rome, was built by Benito Mussolini’s regime and is considered to be the symbol of fascism for the world.
Then Sarah and I expressed our political ideas and we both tried to explain them to Artem, mentioning also an interesting book that describes the political reality in this election period.

Then the discussion became lighter and we talked a little bit about music and plans for the weekend and finally we gave him the precise recipe to prepare Italian famous spritz!!!
I’m very happy of this exchange because I’m getting more and more involved on it and Artem, Sarah and I are creating a great feeling in our weekly discussion.
That's all folks!!!